Shannon L.
When I met Trish, I instantly connected with her. She is warm, welcoming, open and just in conversation I knew I wanted her to be a part of my continuing healing journey from a debilitating autoimmune disorder.  I am a full-on carnivore. My dad is a beef farmer. Yet for some strange reason I wanted to host a vegetarian/vegan workshop at my house to see if we could all learn new healthy ideas. I invited my meat loving friends and family and asked Trish to take up the challenge to come and teach us. The best part about working with Trish is her non-judgmental and loving touch as she encouraged us to get curious and explore new tastes, many which surprised the heck out of all of us. We had an absolute blast - lots of laughs, great teamwork, a lot of new knowledge about health and it was delicious.   I encourage you to reach out to Trish. The whole experience was inspiring and great bang for your buck.