Beating the scary banana blues

Face it – there is nothing ickier than a bunch of bananas that go rogue on you and turn all gross and black.I’m guilty of always having 1 or 2 inedible fruits hanging around that are just too mushy for consumption (even though bananas are a good source of potassium,...

Punkin’ Spice is Ever So Nice!

We are deep in the heart of Punkin’ Country these days.  Not that I mind since I love practically everything pumpkin. Except for the infamous Pumpkin Spice Latte from that ever-present coffee chain.  At 200 calories and 39 grams of sugar – that’s almost 10 teaspoons! ...

The cookie that practically bakes itself.

Full disclosure:  I am not a baker.  Oh I do it, but I don’t like it.   For me, the precision of the activity cramps my culinary creativity.  Some people say I just don’t like to follow rules.  Okay – I’ll give you that.  But then there are all...