by Trish | Jan 21, 2019 | Food Marketing, Organic, Plant-Based Diet, Recipe
Well, that was quick. As ‘pumped up’ and ’excited’ people were about their New Year’s Resolutions, I hate to tell you…but most of these (along with all of the enthusiasm that was present on Jan 1st) have already fizzled out. Nope, it isn’t my Inner Mean Girl voice...
by Trish | Jan 8, 2018 | Plant-Based Diet, Recipe
Face it – there is nothing ickier than a bunch of bananas that go rogue on you and turn all gross and black.I’m guilty of always having 1 or 2 inedible fruits hanging around that are just too mushy for consumption (even though bananas are a good source of potassium,...
by Trish | Oct 24, 2016 | Recipe
We are deep in the heart of Punkin’ Country these days. Not that I mind since I love practically everything pumpkin. Except for the infamous Pumpkin Spice Latte from that ever-present coffee chain. At 200 calories and 39 grams of sugar – that’s almost 10 teaspoons! ...
by Trish | Dec 8, 2013 | Recipe
Full disclosure: I am not a baker. Oh I do it, but I don’t like it. For me, the precision of the activity cramps my culinary creativity. Some people say I just don’t like to follow rules. Okay – I’ll give you that. But then there are all...