Just because you’re busy, it’s no excuse not to eat well!

I’m going to make this fast because it’s September….. and you’re crazy busy getting back to routines and battling that sense of “Ack! Where did the summer go? And why are my pants so tight?”  It happens.  Summer can be a time to slack off a bit and snack and drink and...

Punkin’ Spice is Ever So Nice!

We are deep in the heart of Punkin’ Country these days.  Not that I mind since I love practically everything pumpkin. Except for the infamous Pumpkin Spice Latte from that ever-present coffee chain.  At 200 calories and 39 grams of sugar – that’s almost 10 teaspoons! ...

Banana Soft Serve

When I was a kid, my Gran made it a tradition to enjoy an ice cream on the front porch after dinner during my summer visits to her house. I’d race out to get it for us from the Dickie Dee man who was really just a local gangly teenager peddling the freezer bike up and...