Trish Krause Bio

Trish Krause – Official Bio Trish Krause, CNP, NNCP, RNT is the founder of Bite Out of Life Wellness and a trusted source for health and lifestyle information and programming. As a health educator, certified & registered holistic nutritionist, author and...

Online Courses

Self-Directed Online CoursesIf you enjoy learning on your own time, The Better Body Blueprint (BBB) is available as a do-it-yourself online course. I give you the plan to follow and you build the life of your dreams.This 7-module health program will provide you with...

Workplace Wellness

Workplace Wellness With chronic disease rates rising by more than 14% year on year, absenteeism, burn-out and worker’s compensation claims are also increasing, by even more. Additionally, an unwell workforce is apathetic, unproductive, and unable to enjoy life in or...

Private Consultations

1:1 Private ConsultationsI work with busy professionals from all over the country. We can strategize remotely through the magic of online platforms like ZOOM or via the good, old-fashioned telephone.First step? Book a no-charge, no-obligation chat to see if we’re a...